Saturday, November 1, 2008

Haloween '08

Friday morning at 10ish I called Nate at work and told him I had a costume idea that involved both of us. He was supportive, on one condition:

* Nothing embarrassing. (There's a story behind that comment. The long and short of it is that one of our first married halloweens I shimmied my way into an ill-fitting (child-sized), pink, feathery flamingo costume and accompanied him to the campus party as such. It was really bad.)

"It's not embarrassing," I assured him, "I think we should be Mr. Incredible and Elastogirl."

He said he thought that would be pretty cool and that if I could pull the costumes together, he was up for it.

He was pretty cute about it, too. A few hours later he wrote me an e.mail that said he'd always "had a thing" for Elastogirl and that he'd been "lifting freight trains and benchpressing locomotives all day to get ready." Thus inspired, I went to work. First to Hobby Lobby for supplies. (Thank you for keeping the children, Sarah.) Then home again to fashion an Incredibles logo and an eye-mask from felt and hot glue. Modesty aside, I think I did an incredible job. Ha.

Anyway, here are a few snaps from the night:

Shiver me timbers! A pirate with a "spotty scope."

And a giant "inja pirate sword." (inja=ninja)

And a cute little Lily Bug

The End!

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