Reason #1:
She is the sweetest little pea in the world. For my birthday she gave me eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. And she's making a lavender-lover out of me because she looks so cute in it.
Reason #2:
He lives BIG in every minute of the day and then sleeps hard all night long. How could you not love a child who, sketched an "H" on a blank sheet of paper and then declared, "Look mom, it's an H. Yep, it's the H of the Lord." Huh? Don't get it; still think it's really funny. Also got a good chuckle when I asked him to pick up a mess of toothpick-sized, multi-colored craft sticks that he had just scattered over the floor, and he put his hand over his eyes in a gesture of frustration and said:
"But mom, it blesses my heart to pick up those sticks."
"What, Henry?"
"My heart doesn't want to pick up those sticks."
"Well, my heart wants you to pick up the sticks, so get busy." I love watching him (sometimes clumsily) assimilate grown-up phrases into his three year old vernacular. (And to chalk one up in the "Keepin' it Real" category: The clean-up of those d*&% sticks caused me to have the worst parenting day I can remember -- one that resulted in way too many cross words, a heated power struggle, an ultimate turn of the back-door dead bolt and stern instructions to, "Stay out here 'til daddy comes home." (He was on his way.) Felt like a total hypocrite as this ugly afternoon came just one day after this post. Irony is so cruel.)
Reason #3:
Every day brings a new chance to be kind, fun, patient, soft, gentle, attentive. And some days I succeed. Today was a good day. This weekend was a good weekend. The last words Henry spoke to me tonight were:
"Mom, we love each other the most, huh?" We do indeed.
A good man and good love. We've still got it. And I think we're going to have a lot more of it. An immeasurable future full of it. I think. I hope. (And he is so head over heels for that little girl it's silly. And really cute.)
There are also dear friends, supportive families, threatening skies and scattered showers, pretty paper, dried autumn leaves, perfectly-baked brownies, and spoonfuls of Sarah's homemade hot fudge sauce that make mine a lovely life. Oh, and my bed -- it is most lovable. And even though it's always a little bit of a nuisance when your baby poops on your bed linens, it is SO heavenly to have clean sheets and a freshly-laundered quilt to rest your tired bones beneath at the end of a good, long day in the life you love so dearly.
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