Monday, May 6, 2013

May: Kate's Manti Wedding

We all flew to Utah the first week of May for Kate and Jason's wedding.  Such a fun, beautiful, tender time.  Kate made an absolutely gorgeous bride.  Lily was just entranced by her all day long.  She followed everywhere she went.  It was as magical a day as her four year old heart could imagine.  I just kept feeling so grateful that she has such a shiny, good example in her Aunt Kate.  She could look the world over and not find a truer heart.  Here are a million pictures from the wedding day and the surrounding festivities:

First time I ever had my nails done in my life
Lil's first time, too
Not sure what delighted her more - seeing me with fancy nails or having fancy nails herself :)

this picture just breaks my heart - captures what i was talking about above - Lily wanting to be wherever "Princess Kate" was.   

how cute is Mack anyway??

They played the sweetest duet.   A talented couple, those two. 

On top of Y Mountain

My cute parents and their grandkids (now they have 4!)

 At the end of the trip Aunt Kate gave her beloved stuffed dog, Puddles, to Lily.  Guess she figured she wouldn't be needing a stuffed dog now that she had a husband to sleep with ;)
At the end of the weekend we were just overwhelmed at how many grandparents and friends and aunts and uncles and cousins and siblings came to show their love and support for Kate and Jason.
It was beautiful to see so many dear ones gathered.  Their presence was a message in itself:

We love you.  We believe in what you're doing.  We are here for you.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful bride, and how cute is Lily? I'm glad she has such a good example in her aunt. Your yard's transformation in incredible! Good work!
