Sunday, November 13, 2011


henry's been getting all kinds of inspiration from the books we read. most recently, inspired by "best friends for frances," he decided he wanted to make a "no girls allowed sign." so he went to work with his tools (he has such a hankering for construction, we got him his own set) searching for just the right components in his pile of scrap lumber (we're lucky to have a cabinet maker for a friend). the whole process was just so darling - what is it about a little boy with a hammer? it just seems so quintessential and proper. also cute: he made an extra sign for lily. so friday afternoon we pulled out the paints and finished up the signs.

lily felt so happy to be included.
could henry be any cuter with a hammer in his "tool belt" and that too-small stetson?
i love them!

only trouble is we don't really have a place to put them. i feel like we need to build his/her clubhouses now...

this is just the sort of thing that makes me die to think about their childhood ending.


  1. How CUTE, Em! I love that you encourage such creative play..even and especially when it makes a mess and is often a lot more work for us than we anticipate. I aspire to be a more "fun" Mom like that :)

  2. (I just wrote a long comment to you, but it got erased! Darn it!)

    That is just so dang cute! How creative is Henry? And I wish I had a tree big enough in our yard to make a tree house.

    I was catching up on your blog. Seems like I do that a lot lately...go on sabbatical from the internet for a month, and then when I come back I have a plethora of post to read from friends. I did read your "nitty gritty" post, and can so relate! I am not homeschooling. I think it would be the death of my kids and I if I were their teacher. I just have not been blessed with the talent of patience, so I pretty much think you are awesome for taking on that endeavor. (I am slowly learning patience...I think it might be the sole lesson I need to learn in this life before I die. I think I will be living to a very old age.) Anyway, the tantrums are almost a daily occurrence around here. I can't think of a person I know who doesn't have kids that throw tantrums, great or small. Mothering is so tricky! Just when you think you've got a good grasp of who your kids are, they go and change on you, throwing everything into chaos! My kids do this all the time. It usually happens once a year. I feel like I've got them all figured out, and then their personality changes yet again and I find myself screaming inside, "Who the heck are you?! I don't even know you anymore!" And then you adjust and find the norm once again. It is exhausting! I can't tell you how many times I've laid awake crying to Jeff things like, "Am I completely messing them up!? They are going to turn out crazy, aren't they?" He reassures me that it will all be fine in the end, that I am a good mom, and that we have really good kids. They will be fine. Good thing we have great husbands, huh? A rock to cling to in the storms of mothering.
    Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone! Your kids are so lucky to have you as their mom and pal. Unlike you, I am more prone to discipline that to be their pal. I should work on that. ;)

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with all your family!

    Love, Heidi
