Sunday, January 8, 2012


this year i have two physical resolutions:
1. to stretch my way into the splits
2. to be able to do a pull up (i have never been able to chin myself in my life)

i used to be able to do the splits when i was a little girl, maybe around 8 years old ? since then i've become horribly unflexible. feels like i've got two by fours in my legs. nate and the kids are supporting me so well, they've all decided to try to do the splits, too. or at least to stretch with me every night. henry and lily can practically do them - their little muscles are so supple. we have a nightly family stretch, usually before or after prayers. it's become a favorite time of the day for all of us.

during our first family stretch i shimmied down into as much of a straddle as i could manage and henry chuckled, "come on, mom. go down as far as you can."
"this is it," i grimaced.
"what!?! no. here, i'll push on you so you can go down a little further."
"no! no-no. really, pal...this is as far as i can go...that's why i needed to make this resolution :)"

here's me (and my hot pink socks) on day #4.
next time i'll try to post some pics of the family stretch (it's so cute)...i just had nate snap these pics with my phone the other night so i could come back in a month or so and see if i'm making any progress.

i've got a long way to go for the splits, but i really enjoy the stretching. i think i need to make it part of my permanent life.

i think i'm actually making more notable progress on the pull ups, but i hate doing them. i dread it. the only good part is that nate holds my feet while i do them (he has to help me) and he's a really great cheer leader.

i've got other resolutions, too. ones with more substance. i'll probably mention those here, too...maybe another night.


  1. OH EM! I know the feeling SO terribly well! I feel like an old man in the limber dept. I should make that a New Year's Rez too. I'm so glad you took before will be SO much fun to see how much progress you've made in a few short months!
    Go EM! :)

  2. Wow Em, I am impressed. :) So great to talk to you last night. Luckily the Police Dept. was not involved at our house tonight.

  3. Your resolutions made me smile. I'm not a fan of them usually, but yours are just right!
    Lots of warm-ups and daily stretching - you should be there in no time with the splits. Wouldn't start trying to drop into them (i.e. from standing to split) too early though!

    As for pull-ups, don't know if you have tried any chair exercises, i.e. on you back with a bar above your head resting on two chairs with their backs to you and each other.. Err rubbish explanation. Basically, two chairs either side of you. All you do then, is pull your body up as straight as you can - bum off the ground, feet on the ground.

    Anyway, youtube should help with other tips too - a great resource for stuff like this.

    Best best of luck!!
    I'm in the mood for some exercise now.

